Johannelunds Teologiska Högskola

Johannelunds teologiska högskola or Johannelund Theological Seminary[1] is an independent theological seminary, founded in 1862 and located in Uppsala, Sweden. In addition to offering a three-year bachelor degree in theology, the seminary offers graduate-level courses in cooperation with Uppsala University. Today there are circa 150 students at the school, most of whom are preparing for ministry in the Swedish Evangelical Mission or the evangelical-Lutheran Church of Sweden. In addition, there is a Bible school located on campus offering a one-year certificate in theology.

The seminary is owned and run by the Lutheran Swedish Evangelical Mission (In Swedish: Evangeliska fosterlandsstiftelsen) and began its existence as a training institute for inland and overseas missionaries. For the last several decades, however, Sweden's own need for church leaders and clergy has been the school's primary focus, and most students enroll today with an eye to future ministry in Sweden, although a number of students also end up working internationally in a variety of mission agencies.

The seminary has exchange programmes with the following theological institutions:

Since 2008 the principal has been Dr. Tomas Nygren.


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